Is UNE-L finally going away?

It’s been nearly a quarter century since the Telecommunications act of 1996 became the law of the land. Looking back, my 56 Kbps dial-up modem and Nokia 5120 cell phone feel, well, dated. Back then, going on the internet meant tying-up my landline (remember those?) to download email messages on Eudora (remember Eudora?) and using the Lycos search engine on my Mosaic browser to search the nascent world wide web.

The Hidden Costs of Data Integrity Gaps

Some of the most devastating issues that telecommunications carriers encounter today are results of poor data integrity. Simply put, data integrity measures the overall accuracy, completeness, and consistency of data. In an industry that is constantly growing and innovating, data integrity can seem dry and many companies fail to understand its vast importance as a … Read more

Are You Sitting on IPv4 Address Gold?

The exhaustion of IPV4 address space has been a problem on the horizon since the 1980s, and in 2022 it’s clear that IPv4 addresses are a precious resource. With the emergence of new service providers and the exponential growth of devices, it’s only gotten worse. The run-out on IPv4 addresses is creating a lot of … Read more

CASE STUDY: Could you use another $50M in annual savings this year?

For most telecommunication carriers migrating from legacy network elements to newer platforms and infrastructure the move is filled with promise and potential. In addition to the network expense savings the new platform provides scalability, flexibility, reliability, improved performance and disaster recovery, simpler, and faster deployment — what’s not to like? As with most things, managing … Read more

INCOMPAS Panel Spotlight

Successful Network Technology Migrations: Axcent Networks’ David Wuensch Shines a Spotlight on the Importance of Planning In the pursuit of the most advanced and capable business processes, enterprises must often embark on technology and network migration journeys. To increase competitive advantages, offer better value to clients and achieve greater efficiencies and abilities, these technology migrations … Read more

Axcent Networks to Host Panel on Keys to Successful Network Technology Migration

Today, next-generation network services are rapidly expanding as demand comes from almost every enterprise, service provider, and organization, scaling to multiple gigabits per second speeds.  Technology migration is a significant opportunity for network operators who are rapidly evolving their network technology to improve upon the speed, reliability, capacity, and security of their legacy networks.  Axcent … Read more

Data Integrity Project finds $12M in Annual Savings

Due to the size and complexity of nationwide telecom networks, it is not uncommon for carriers to pay for facilities or legacy equipment they are no longer using.  Data integrity is the foundation of the network; therefore, regular validation of data integrity and billing reconciliation is key to solving billing discrepancies as business processes change, … Read more

Cost Savings Create Value

Due to the size and complexity of today’s telecom networks, it is not uncommon for carriers to pay for facilities or legacy equipment they are no longer using. Data integrity is the foundation of the network; regular validation of data integrity and billing reconciliation is key to solving billing discrepancies as business processes change, or … Read more

The Cost of Bad Data $15 Billion Per year

Carriers are losing $15 billion per year due to unplanned network downtime and increased mean time to repair (MTTR) caused by inaccurate data. These challenges have taken their toll, as evidenced in recent years by high-profile outages and service degradations affecting some of the world’s largest networks. In addition to aggravating and alienating subscribers, these … Read more