Network Optimization
Network Optimization
Network Optimization

Network Optimization
Network Optimization
Network Optimization
Providing carriers with the information and resources to reduce costs and increase capabilities.
For over 15 years, Axcent Networks has provided a wide range of network optimization services to carriers to help them reduce costs, prevent errors, expand network capacity, and optimize performance.
Leveraging experience in:
Taking costs out of the network
Freeing up capacity
Reclamation of services and resources
Network grooming
Use Case

Network Optimization
Too many high mileage, high cost access services and not enough resources to address the issues.
Axcent Networks applied its data reconciliation, circuit design and network provisioning expertise to groom services and reduce MRC byover $700,000.
Axcent services used:
Network Analysts researched and vetted opportunities nationwide.
Axcent completed circuit design updates for identified opportunities.
Let's Talk
Benefit from an agile team of data integrity experts
to accelerate your network objectives.
Data Reconciliation | Design & Provision Experts | Program Management